Municipal Programs

Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption Program

The Northern Rockies Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption program is intended to encourage investment and attract new industrial development as a way to increase economic activity and diversify Fort Nelson and the region's economy, and create permanent, local jobs. This is accomplished by relieving municipal property taxes payable on the revitalized value of a property on investments made within our community, which meet a standard set of criteria.

View or Download the program guidelines

Contact us for more information or to confirm eligibility and application process.

Business Façade Improvement Program

The physical environment in which we live and work has a great effect on us. A community that is more appealing and interesting to the eye gives its residents a greater sense of place. The program is aimed to provide grant funding to business owners to improve retail and commercial building frontages. Grants can provide up to 50% or project costs to a maximum of $5,000 per building to improve commercial building facades.

View or Download the program guidelines

Contact us for more information or to confirm eligibility and application process.

External Financing and Grants

For-Profit Grant Search

The Fort Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Pocketed – a grant matching platform for business. For priority access use chamber code: FortNelsonX


  • Check with your existing financial institution and/or a broker to find the best fit for you and your business.
  • Find financing to help support cash flow related to a grant through Pocketed. For priority access use Chamber code: FortNelsonX
  • Check with these business organizations for currently available funding programs: Community Futures, Small Business BC, and Business Development Bank of Canada.