The Northern Rockies' unique mix of natural resources have been at the root of its success and hold the potential of supporting a sustainable economy and high quality of life into the future.

Abundant Natural Resources

Prominent among Northern Rockies assets are the raw materials found abundantly in the region. Examples of such materials include high-quality wood fibre; one of the largest reserves of natural gas in North America; and an array of mineral deposits. We look forward to seeing the responsible development of these resources.

Beyond this, initial steps have been taken to use geothermal activity in the area as a source of renewable energy with the intention of using heat created through processing to support commercial greenhouse production. This work, coupled with the advantageous climate and quality of suitable farming land complements the potential for agriculture in the NRRM.

Forward-Looking Tourism Sector

The impeccable natural environment of the Northern Rockies opens the door to other industry development as well, the potential for tourism, is immense. 

Bright winters, long hours of sunlight in the summer, clean air and fresh water encourage residents and visitors an enticing variety of recreational opportunities in our many parks, mountain ranges, wilderness areas and network of rivers and lakes.

The NRRM's Natural Advantages Include:

Land and Raw Materials

  • A healthy boreal forest that offers deciduous and coniferous fibre as well as a history of large-scale industry support.
  • Affordable and plentiful agricultural land, with soil and terrain well-suited for food production. 
  • Large hydrocarbon deposits in the Horn River, Liard, and Cordova Basins.
  • Mineral resources including kimberlite, zinc, lead, copper, silver and barite.
  • The Clarke Lake Geothermal Project; a potentially large, sustainable source of clean energy and heat opportunity currently in assessment and review stages.

Geography and Climate

  • Moderate winters.
  • High levels of sunlight hours during growing seasons.
  • Favourable rates of precipitation.

Recreation, Tourism Potential and Quality of Life

  • Muskwa Kechika Management Area – referred to by many as “the Serengeti of the North."
  • The Liard River Hot Springs – a natural wonder accessible year round.
  • Ecological quality (clean air and water).
  • Varied landscape that contributes to a sense of place.
  • Plentiful big game, fish and other wildlife.
  • Recreation resources and trails.
  • Vast wilderness that is accessible but largely untouched.
  • Plentiful, navigable, clean rivers (Fort Nelson, Prophet, Muskwa, Toad, Tetsa, Racing, Liard, Hay, etc.) and lakes (Summit, Muncho, Redfern, Maxhamish, etc.).
  • Federally and provincially protected areas.
  • The magnificent Northern Rocky Mountains.